Glossary of Aviation Terms | Class I Navigation

Class I Navigation | Paramount Business Jets

This method of navigation includes navigation in accordance with visible landmarks, also known as pilotage. It introduces the need for plotting the course on an aeronautical chart. An aeronautical chart is a roadmap for a pilot flying under VFR. The chart provides information that allows the pilot to track their position and provides other available information that enhances safety. The three aeronautical charts used by VFR pilots are the sectional chart, the VFR terminal area chart, and the world aeronautical chart. The charts provide an abundance of information, including airport data, navigational aids, airspace, and topography.

Class I Navigation

Pilotage is a method of navigation that can be used on any course that has adequate checkpoints but is more commonly used in combination with dead reckoning and VFR radio navigation. The checkpoint selected should be a prominent feature in the area of the flight. Checkpoints that can be readily identified by other features such as rivers, roads, railroad tracks, lakes, and power lines. If possible, boundaries, or brackets on each side of the course, should be elected, such as highways, rivers, railroads, and mountains. A pilot can keep from drifting too far off course by referring to and not selecting the selected brackets.

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